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How to get PDF from PPT?
Drag a file in PPT format to the download box or select them on your computer, Google Drive or Dropbox. Save the result in a couple of seconds.
Simple Conversion!
To convert PPT to PDF, you do not need to configure anything - you just need to add your file and wait a couple of seconds, and then just save the result to a computer or flash drive.
Support for two formats
The program converts both versions, like the old PPT, and the new PPTX. There is no difference in the settings and processing time.
The OS does not matter
You can use the online converter from any device, and its operating system does not matter, whether it's Windows, Linux or Mac.
Security Guarantee
The data contained in the files will remain completely confidential. Your downloads are permanently deleted from the server.
Cloud Storage
The conversion is done in the cloud, so the process is faster, safer and easier for you, because it does not use PC resources.